Becca Trécare

From Colle di Nana 2275 m, continue to the right along path 3c which crosses grassy slopes until you reach the rocky crest, which can be traveled without difficulty up to the top.

The Becca Trécare is a regular rocky pyramid that rises between the Petit Tournalin and the Bec di Nana. The toponym, according to U. Balestrieri, means beak of the 3 borders, or rather it is the point of union of the territories of the municipalities of Ayas, Chamois and Valtournenche.

The Matterhorn seen from the top of Becca Trécare.

Behind the cross you can see the Petit Tournalin and the Grand Tournalin, on the right instead there is the Monte Rosa massif.


Taxi rides with lunch in a refuge are organized.
Trip (ascent + descent) with lunch (drinks not included) 50.00 euros per person. Minimum 4 people.

For reservations +39 335 66 26 748